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Home page > Research topics > ATLAS > Research topics > The Calorimeter

The LAr Calorimeter

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For the start of LHC data taking in 2008, the ATLAS-LAPP team built a third of the Liquid Argon (LAr) calorimeter, participated in the design, production and testing of calibration boards and Read Out Boards (RODs) [hyperlink to current material here in English], which convert the electrical signal from the calorimeter transmitted by the Front-End boards into energy. The equipment produced by the LAPP was installed and is still in use today.

The ATLAS-LAPP team is also responsible for the design and maintenance of the LargOnline software, which controls the operation of all on- and off-detector electronic cards. This software, with more than 200,000 lines of code, is at the heart of the 24/7 operation of the ATLAS LAr calorimeter: it processes physical events in real time and at a high frequency of 1kHz. To give an example of the performance achieved, the availability of the ROD/LargOnline/DSP chain was 100% during the entire data collection period of Run 1 (2009-2012) and Run 2 ( 2015-2018). For each period of LHC data taking, this software must be adapted to the changing conditions of the LHC or the read-out system, e.g. the integration of the new LAr digital trigger boards for Run 3 (2022-2025).

For Run 3 and beyond, the ATLAS group at LAPP has developed the electronic card, called LATOME, which calculates the energy and time of arrival of signals coming from supercells, before transmitting them to the ATLAS trigger system.

For HL-LHC (2029+) the complete LAr calorimeter read-out chain will be replaced. The LAPP ATLAS group is responsible for the development of the new calibration board and the LATOURNETT board, dedicated to the distribution of the LHC clock as well as the monitoring and control of the calorimeter electronics.

Contact: Marco Delmastro, Tetiana Hryn’ova , Narei Lorenzo Martinez, Emmanuel Sauvan,

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