Simulation of the passage of particles through matter
LAPP is a member of the world-wide GEANT 4 collaboration which is committing to providing the toolkit of the same name. Lab experts in this field are involved in the development of (...)
Home page > Technical activities > Technology Transfer > Skills, Technologies & Technical platforms
LAPP is specialized the integration of large and complex systems involving innovative technologies.
The laboratory plays a role of relay to other research domains or to the industrial network, diffusing these techniques. The laboratory’s skills cover a large scope of domains. Since 2007, a scientific computing facility, so-called MUST, is located at LAPP providing expertise, resources and services for researchers and partners.
LAPP is a member of the world-wide GEANT 4 collaboration which is committing to providing the toolkit of the same name. Lab experts in this field are involved in the development of (...)
Current particle physics and astroparticles experiments are extremely challenging in terms of handling huge amounts of signals in very short time under tough radiation conditions. Electronics (...)
Les structures mécaniques conçues pour les détecteurs doivent utiliser des matériaux adaptés et avoir des profils optimisés de façon à limiter le nombre d’interactions physiques avec les particules à (...)
MUST is a Mid-range data storage and computing centre widely open to EGEE/LCG Grid infrastructure hosted and operated by LAPP since 2007. Read more about (...)
See INNOVATIVE SENSOR, EXPERTISE, SERVICES & COLLABORATION OPPORTUNITY related to Metrology and Nanometer active vibration control :
Learn about the LAPP-ATLAS-IBL fitting which was originally designed and produced for the CO2 cooling circuit of the innermost detector of the ATLAS experiment, used for tracking particles at (...)