LAPP is one of the laboratories leading the ENIGMASS Labex (laboratoire d’excellence) since 2012 within the framework of the Programme d’Investissement d’Avenir (PIA1)
LAPP participates to the ASTERICS project, which started in 2015 for a duration of 4 years, within the european program H2020. LAPP coordinates the working group OBELICS inside ASTERICS.
LAPP also participates to several ANR projects:
- PhotonPortal started in 2016 for 4 years
- ExSqueez started in 2015 for 4 years
- STEREO started in 2013 for 3 years
- DMAstroLHC started in 2012 for 4 years
- SPLAM started in 2011 for 3 years