Specificities of the electronics developed by LAPP
High speed and dynamic range, low noise, low power consumption, huge number of channels require the development of specific integrated circuits. Skills covered at LAPP concerns mainly front-end electronics for high energy physics experiments but are easily applicable to various fileds like sensor signal processing, low material application,low power consumption devices or harsh environment. Read more about Microelectronics at LAPP.
Behind the front-end electronics, which combines the required analog functions (amplification, sampling, multiplexing...), the programmable components of latest technology offer great possibilities: easy integration of digital processing needs, easy evaluation, low costs. Widely used, they are the heart of most electronic LAPP achievements.
From design up to the tests
The laboratory has control of the complete chain of electronics engineering, but today, given the complexity of integrated functions, there is more emphasis than ever placed on testing tools.
Regional Partnership
LAPP has establish a long-standing relationship with MIND, the "centre de Microtechnologies pour l’INDustrie".