Séminaires LAPP

Angular studies for ee-->WW final states at √s = 240 GeV

par Jean-Loup RAYMOND

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With millions of W bosons expected, the electron positron Future Circular Collider (FCCee) will be a W boson factory allowing

 studies of the coupling among three gauge bosons (a Z and two W) to be performed in clean experimental conditions.


 Beyond Standard Model(BSM) effects alter this Triple Gauge Boson coupling (TGC) and give rise to anomalous TGC, which 

 may give different contributions, with respect to the Standard Model, to the different helicity states of the W bosons.

 Therefore the study of the production and decay angles of the W boson in ee—> WW may give access to BSM effects.  


 The talk will present the work I have done during my internship at LAPP on this subject.